Generics 2



Medical devices



Human coagulation factor viii manufacturers

2 products found


2 products found

human coagulation factor viii

Solution for injection 100IU, 200IU, 300IU, 400IU

Dossier type
Dossier status
Ready to file
Country of origin
GMP approvals
Manufacturer #16892

Manufacturer usually replies in 6 days

human coagulation factor viii

Vials, injection 500 I.U. - 1000 I.U.

Dossier type
Dossier status
Ready to file
Country of origin
GMP approvals
Manufacturer #16199
One of the largest and biggest names in the pharmaceutical industry. The company has a network all across the globe. They are known to be partnering with similar companies for a very long time.

Manufacturer usually replies in 9 days

Human Coagulation Factor VIII Manufacturers and Suppliers

Human coagulation factor VIII is available under the trade names Monoclate-P, Hemophil M, Koate DVI, Anti-hemophilic Factor (Human). This pharmaceutical medicine is indicated to treat hemorrhage which is caused by Hemophilia A. It is classified as Coagulation Factors or Hemostatic Coagulation Factor and is available in the strengths 250 IU, 500 IU, 1000 IU, and 1500 IU. It is administered through intravenous route in the form of reconstituted solution at 2ml/min, not higher than 10ml/min. This pharmaceutical medicine does not have any kind of mild, moderate, or severe kind of drug interactions listed yet. The side effects associated with this drug include headache, drowsiness, lethargy, blurred vision, chills, tachycardia, hives, hypersensitivity reaction, vomiting, and nausea. No study is available for its use in pregnant women but it should be used with caution and should only be used if necessarily needed. Its secretion into human breastmilk is unknown and should be used by lactating women only with the recommendation of a doctor. It is contraindicated in patients who are hypersensitive to this derived protein. During its administration screening for Tachycardia and Factor VIII is important. It was approved by the FDA on December 4, 2009, under the brand name Wilate, manufactured by Octapharma.

How does Human Coagulation Factor VIII work?

In response to certain injury it is activated and interacts with factor IX which causes certain chemical reactions to occur and a blood clot is formed.

The cost of Human Coagulation Factor VIII

Cost of Human Coagulation Factor VIII with the protein size 100 ug is approximately 256.74 dollars.

Sourcing the Human Coagulation Factor VIII Manufacturer and Suppliers

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Pipelinepharma is a global B2B marketplace that provides pharmaceutical deals with an intuitive interface that is easy to engage with. The selection of Human Coagulation Factor VIII can be narrowed down with the use of filters and easily compared against other brands according to medication prices and commercial terms. The advanced filters filter out the countries for this substance manufacturer and this substance supplier that you are looking for. These filters enable you to check the dossier status of this medicine, and the GMP approvals of the different variants of this substance. Also, the product description contains essential information about this substance including clinical data, stability zones, countries where Human Coagulation Factor VIII is already registered in.

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Pipelinepharma platform is safe for pharma companies to do business. By joining a B2B marketplace that allows you to trade pharmaceutical products with just a few clicks. Moreover, it is an easy-to-use online platform that will empower your business. Searches can be further refined with industry filters such as document type, country of origin, GMP approvals, wholesaler search criteria, etc., making it easier to contact your preferred manufacturer and supplier.

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Pipelinepharma is a genuine platform. The site carefully checks the quality of the product. To ensure a safe and reliable user experience, all pharmaceutical substances are first thoroughly tested for any suspected defects before being placed on the market, and vendor details are assessed at the time of registration.