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Medical devices



Benzonatate manufacturers

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1 products found


Capsules 100mg, 200mg

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Ready to file
Country of origin
United States
GMP approvals
Manufacturer #16206
This company specializes in a wide range of generic medications, offering both prescription (RX) and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. Their product portfolio spans various therapeutic areas including antiviral, antibiotic, cough medicine, vitamin supplements, sedatives, antiarrhythmic, and migraine medication. They also produce products for involuntary movement reduction, muscle spasms, sleep aids, pain relief, and allergy treatment. The company manufactures its products in a variety of dosage forms, such as capsules, tablets, suspensions, and oral solutions. Key certifications include GMP compliance, ensuring adherence to high quality and manufacturing standards. While specific product patents aren't mentioned, the focus on generic medications suggests they may leverage existing patents or utilize alternative pathways for product development. Their target markets appear to be widespread, with a potential presence in regions like the EU and North America based on the inclusion of popular brand name equivalents in their product descriptions.

Manufacturer usually replies in 12 days

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Benzonatate, also commonly known under its popular brand name of Tessalon, is a medication used in the treatment of coughs and hiccups. It is normally taken by mouth, after which its soothing effects generally begin within 20 minutes and last for up to 8 hours. It is a prescription pharmaceutical product, which is predominantly suitable for everyone, however, manufacturers recommend that it should be used with caution for those under the age of 10. Benzonatate was originally patented by a pharmaceutical products company and subsequently became commercialised on the American medical marketplace in 1958. Currently, benzonatate manufacturers and benzonatate suppliers are free to produce generic versions, due to the expiration of the patent. This has made it cost-effective for distributors to list it available for sale, wholesale, and order at a variety of price points. Where regardless of its small global regulatory approval, it has been successful. With it being the 148th most commonly purchased medication in the United States in 2017, with more than four million prescriptions.

Method of action of benzonatate:

Benzonatate belongs to a group of drugs termed oral antitussives and it is used in the relief and suppression of cough in patients older than ten years of age. It is a non-narcotic antitussive that functions as a local anaesthetic, anaesthetizing and reducing the activity of vagal stretch receptors or nerve fibres located in the respiratory passages, lungs, and pleura. This desensitizes the pulmonary stretch receptors involved in the cough reflex, while also displaying no inhibitory effects on the respiratory centre in therapeutic dosage amount. Allowing for the active prevention of coughing while leaving normal breathing functions intact.

Form and dosage of benzonatate:

As with all drugs, the final form and packaging of benzonatate is dependent on the manufacturers and suppliers, as well as the specific distributor and order. However, benzonatate typically comes in forms including capsules and liquid capsules. The dose is subject to the prescribing medical professionals’ opinion, but it is recommended by manufacturers that adults and children 10 years of age and older take 100 mg three times a day. With not more than 200 mg at once and not surpassing a cumulative 600 mg per day.

Benzonatate on Pipelinepharma:

Currently, at the time of writing, we have found 1 verified seller from our online global list of B2B benzonatate manufacturers and benzonatate suppliers. These manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors are located in countries including India. Each company listed on our online marketplace has been verified by the Pipelinepharma team according to strict quality control. This ensures the reputability of the seller and limits buyer mileage, making for an easier transaction experience for all B2B parties.

Price of benzonatate and how to buy:

The specific price of benzonatate is highly dependent on numerous factors such as organisation, quantity, manufacturers, and market. However, a cursory search online reveals a typical wholesale cost is approximately $82.99 for 500 x 200 mg capsules by Tagi Pharma. These values are only approximations for the current market situation. Although the prices on the B2B wholesale Pipelinepharma marketplace remain confidential between both B2B parties, the seller may choose to list a desired price to facilitate the online transaction. If so, an ‘Accept’ and ‘Negotiate’ button will be displayed through the online interface, with a ‘Get offer’ button being shown in the absence.

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