white deadnettle + pot marigold + bladderwrack + robert geranium + licorice Oral drops

Country of origin
European Union
Recommended use
Energy supplements
Product description
Masterwort - root, silverweed cinquefoil – stem/leaf, red clover - flower, professor-weed – stem/leaf, yellow spring bedstraw – stem/leaf, black locust - flower, Lady’s mantle – stem/leaf, sweet fennel - fruit), blend of natural essences (staranis, aniseed, grapefruit, spikenard, cardamom, pennyroyal, fennel, marjoram, Yarrow. The active ingredients of the extract bring the hormonal system* into harmony and help maintain normal thyroid functioning* (bladder whack), maintain healthy reproductive system functioning*** (common liquorice root) and ensure pre-menstrual**** (silverweed cinquefoil) and menopausal relief**** (red clover). Sweet fennel supports good digestion and common liquorice root enhances mental health and serenity.
Manufacturer #26446
This company is a leading energy provider in the CEE region, specializing in sustainable and efficient energy production. They have significantly reduced their environmental impact through modernizing their facilities and phasing out coal combustion by 2025. Their core services include electricity generation (90 MW total), heat supply (900 thousand GJ per year), and battery storage solutions, which contribute to grid stability. They utilize a variety of fuel sources including natural gas, biomass, and brown coal in their combined heat and power (CHP) plant. Their advanced technology allows for black start capability, enabling them to restore power after outages.