trazodone hydrochloride Tablets 50 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg

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Manufacturer #17783
It is a pharmaceutical company that began operations in the 2000s in North America and sells a wide selection of generic pharmaceuticals while continuing to expand its portfolio. They try to deliver accessible solutions for patient safety through continuing innovation such as simpler packaging and important safety features. They are laser-focused on developing cutting-edge solutions to ensure that patients have access to high-quality pharmaceuticals.

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Trazodone Hydrochloride is sold by the manufacturers under several brand names. It is primarily used for treating depression, alcohol dependence, and anxiety disorders. This drug also has sedating effects. It works by altering the chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced in individuals suffering from depression. At the same time, the drug can also help in improving energy levels, appetite, and mood. This is achieved mainly by producing serotonin in the brain. This drug was approved for the first time for medical use in 1981. Currently, it is sold as a generic medication. The wholesale cost of this drug for the NHS in the United Kingdom is £7.46 per month whereas, in the US, it is $4.53. Trazodone had over 25 million prescriptions in the US alone in 2016.

Medical uses

Trazodone Hydrochloride is used primarily for the treatment of insomnia, anxiety disorders, and unipolar depression. Depression The primary use of the drug is for treating depression in individuals. The data, obtained from blind trials, suggests the efficacy of trazodone is comparable to that of doxepin. Furthermore, it demonstrates low cardiotoxicity and anxiolytic properties. With its use, patients noticed mild side effects such as dizziness. This sedation and dizziness make this drug less acceptable for elderly patients. It is still helpful for geriatric patients who have severe insomnia or agitation. Insomnia Several clinicians often prescribe a low dose of this drug as an alternative to benzodiazepines. Trazodone hydrochloride is the second most prescribed drug for insomnia. There are several non-approved uses of this drug as well. The off label uses include alcohol withdrawal, obsessive-compulsive disorder, complex regional pain syndrome, erectile dysfunction, and schizophrenia.

Drug forms available

Currently, Trazodone Hydrochloride manufacturers offer this drug in the form of tablets with strengths varying from 25 mg to 300 mg. The distributors also offer an extended-release formulation of 300 mg and 150 mg. The drug should be taken as prescribed by the doctor. The instructions mentioned on the label should be followed accurately. The symptoms start improving after two weeks of being on this drug. While taking this medication, alcohol must not be consumed. Otherwise, the side effects may be severe.

Drug History

Trazodone was developed by Angelini Research Laboratories in Italy in the 1960s. It was developed after conducting mental health hypothesis in patients. It was concluded during the study that major depression was linked to a decreased pain threshold. After a series of studies, the drug was marketed by manufacturers in many countries all over the world. If you are keen on monetizing the opportunity of becoming a distributor of Trazodone, then head right away to Pipelinepharma. This platform is a global B2B pharmaceutical marketplace. You can quickly find products using the generic name and also use specific filters including GMP approval, dossier type, and many more. You can shortlist the leading Trazodone Hydrochloride manufacturer over this platform for your business. You will be offered assistance throughout while negotiating the terms with a Trazodone Hydrochloride supplier.