emtricitabine + tenofovir disoproxil fumarate Tablets emtricitabine 200 mg + tenofovir disproxil fumarate 300 mg

Dossier type
Dossier status
Under development
Country of origin
GMP approvals
Manufacturer #8596
It is a company situated in South America with more than 35 years of history marked by innovation and entrepreneurship. The experience and performance in the development, manufacture, and commercialization of medicines and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) made the company a specialist in the HIV, Hepatitis, and Osteoporosis segments, offering high-quality products, and serving patients through partnerships with the Ministry of Health and official laboratories.

Manufacturer usually replies in 1 days


Emtricitabine also commonly known as FTC is a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor used in the prevention and treatment of HIV infections in both adults and children. It was originally developed by Emory University in the United States and initially licensed to the pharmaceutical products manufacturer Triangle Pharmaceuticals in 1996, where it was subsequently acquired in 2003 by the company Gilead Sciences. With final development completed, it was approved by the FDA in the United States the same year and commercialised by distributors under brand names such as Coviracil and Emtriva. Currently, emtricitabine manufacturers and emtricitabine suppliers commonly list it for sale as a combination medication in tandem with both tenofovir and efavirenz, or tenofovir alone, where is it sold under brand names including Truvada, Descovy, Sustiva, Atripla, Stribild, and Genvoya. This combination drug is listed on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential medicines, indicating its central role as a safe and cost-efficient medication in health systems across the globe. As such, it is readily available from emtricitabine suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors at wholesale and at an array of price points.

Method of emtricitabine action:

Emtricitabine belongs to a group of pharmaceutical products involved in the inhibition of reverse transcriptase, the enzyme responsible for the reverse transcription of HIV RNA and subsequent manufacturing into new viral DNA crucial for replication and disease function. This interference abrogates viral multiplication, diminishing systemic viral load, and limits further infection of the targeted T cells who encompass a critical function of the immune system. This inhibition is conferred to emtricitabine byway of its analogous structure to the nucleoside cytidine, which is formed when the nucleotide cytosine is attached to a ribofuranose. Thus allowing emtricitabine mediated interference in the HIV replication process, limiting multiplication and disease progression.

Form and dosage of emtricitabine:

Emtricitabine manufacturers typically list the medication for sale on the global marketplace in the form of tablets, film-coated tablets, capsules, and oral solutions. These are prescribed by a medical professional, with 200 mg or 240 mg for oral solutions typically being consumed once a day for effective treatment. It is recommended that this medication be taken at constant intervals, with missed doses longer than 12 hours late being skipped and the next dose taken at the normal time.

Emtricitabine on Pipelinepharma:

Emtricitabine can be found listed for B2B order on our online Pipelinepharma.com drugs marketplace. This enables rapid sourcing of wholesale pharmaceutical products from an array of Pipelinepharma verified manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers. A current search at the time of writing reveals 14 trusted global sellers with the product available for order, located in countries including the European Union, India, Turkey, Argentina, and Canada.

Price of emtricitabine and how to buy:

Although the cost of purchase for emtricitabine is flexible upon online negotiation and agreement of both parties, some companies may choose to display the desired price within their listing along with further technicalities relating to their product. This serves to expedite transaction times between the buyer and verified company, setting a reference point for their determined product value, and ensures a streamlined sourcing process. In each case, this is indicated. A ‘Get offer’ button is displayed when there is no listed price and when there is a price available a ‘Accept’ and ‘Negotiate’ button will be displayed.